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  • 02/12/2017 1:00 PM | Anonymous

    KTA Board Meeting

    2/12/17- via conference call

    Attendance: Zach Ross, Kim Willard, Jane Modlin, Shelby Steege, Brad Downall, Lisa Cope, Jeremy Kisling, Alicia Henning, Kim Miller, Alana Ghent


    • We need 51% of members to meet quorum
    • If we do not meet quorum we will do it via e-mail
    • We need to add to our Bi-Laws the addition of electronic meetings/ follow up

    Minutes from November Meeting

    Conference Location

      • Need to avoid Nov 3-5th because of Thespians
      • NKU cannot this year because of an issue with their stage
      • We need a venue for HS and rooms for workshop, Community Theater (could be a non-theater space as long as we can get lighting,) Roots of the Bluegrass, Screening auditions rooms (a number or spaces for warm-up, holding, actual auditions)


    • Jenny Whiley in Pikeville (Jenny Whiley theater, U-Pike, Expo center) has volunteered and has confirmed that they can host the weekend of Nov. 17th


    Committee Reports

    Brad will communicate with the different committee groups over the next few weeks.

    Middle Grades Report (prepared by Sarah and presented by Shelby)

    Early bird registration ended Friday 2/10

    Two entries are registered as of this message:
    Spencer County MS
    Twenhofel MS (2016 winner)

    Registration en route:
    Tates Creek MS (offered to perform first due to a cast schedule conflict)
    Ashland MS
    Newport MS
    Boone Co MS is paying and bringing students to observe / workshop. 

    Phil Neace is assisting with running the backside of the festival. 

    Student Workshops / PD (so far)
    David Sweet, Director Whitley Co High School/ What Every Theatre Kid Should Know About Tech

    Lauren Case, KDE Arts Specialist & Choreographer/ Musical Theatre Dance for the Non-Dancer

    Teacher PD
    Jane Dewey will present on current state education issues relevant to theatre

    Two adjudicators are confirmed:
    Karen Willis
    Kelley Elder
    Waiting to confirm the third judge

    Alicia Henning and Dunbar High School are hosting the festival. 

    Any Lexington area KTA directors who are available are welcome to come help! We have a great time!

    Brad will not be able to attend to help with awards

    High School Regional/ State Post Mortem:

    • Positives-
      • Served 19 schools
      • Got schools that never participated before because we came to them…
      • Different theaters/ universities get to participate in the process
    • Areas of concern/ improvement
      • Although we had space in the schedule for 10 schools to perform but based on the numbers we only had 7 perform.
        • Could we find a way to fill all the spaces (pull from a hat, some sort of numeric system to pick the “wild Card” schools)
        • Maybe make the score sheet into a rubric so that we could use that as more of a “score sheet”
      • Some schools had issues with traveling to both regional AND state
    • Can we get the dates locked down for Regionals before school is out (ideally April)

    Community Theater

    • Nothing new to report

    Screening Auditions

    • 263 screening at conference this year
    • 2-3 people needed for this committee

    Roots of the Bluegrass

    • We are in the need for a new chairperson
    • Kathi said she will continue to work on the committee to do the cuttings and work with the directing of the picked pieces
    • Alana is going to be on the committee to learn the ropes
    • Kim Miller is willing to co-chair with someone

    Bi-laws review

    • Kyle, Lisa, and Brad work on the Committee to review the KTA board bi-laws.

    Education Advocacy

    • Kyle, Jane, Alana, and Alicia will serve on this committee
    • Alana and Alicia will be our liaisons with the coalition


    • Looking at increasing membership
    • Looking at what the benefits are of being a part of KTA
    • Brad will send out an e-mail to get volunteers


    • March 3-5th
    • Technical theater on a dime is the teacher workshop- 40 registered as of now
      • Phil can you send out info from your HS list about this teacher workshop?
    • HS fest- Opera, Community-Arts center, all others at the Lexington Children’s Theater
    • 10 minute and fringe fest is open to the public

    Budget Discussion

    • In the past we have budgeted $500 for each HS and Community for SETC (this is split $250 per wining group if we have 2 groups that move on)
      • It is very expensive to send your group to SETC
      • Other States give a lot more assistance to their winning groups
      • Possibly make $500 the minimum for each group (increases from $1,000- $2,000)
      • It was suggested that maybe we also reach out to professional theaters that would be willing to help the wining groups with technical support
      • Kim Miller will add this to the budget
      • We should make sure that schools know that this support is given to the winners
    • Kim Miller will have a draft budget to executive committee by Feb. 28th
      • We will do an e-mail poll to approve the budget in early March
    • Brad, Kim, and Jeremy are now authorized with Chase and we are in full compliance

    Next Meeting


    • Brad will send out a poll to set a time for next meeting
    • In the next two or three meetings will need to go to Pikeville
  • 04/30/2016 1:00 PM | Anonymous

    Kentucky Theatre Association

    Board of Directors Meeting

    Saturday April 30, 2016

    Looking for Lilith



    Nov 11-13th for KTA State conference



    1:00pm Welcome     Adanma Barton

    Business Meeting

    Old Business

    Treasurer’s Report             Kim Miller/Jeremy Kisling

    • Discussion about how to do fees for HS festivals
      • One fee or a fee for EACH of the comps?
      • What about schools that don’t move on?
        • Maybe have a $10 participant fee per student for groups that don’t move on to come?
        • Maybe a fee for the whole school?
        • Should we do a per student fee at regional level?
      • $175 (entry fee plus membership) for reginal
      • Then $5 per kid up to $140 for state Comp if not top 2 from reginal
    • Budget was Approved

    Middle School Festival Sarah Diamond Burroway/Shelby Steege

    • Tent. March 18th next year to keep I the same weekend
    • Stay Central located for the next year
    • Dunbar for next year

    New Business

    Community Theatre Festival Lisa Cope

    • Starting to work on recruiting for next year
    • We need to look at spaces since there is ONE loading dock for both of the theaters so we may have to figure out a different space for CTF

    Website Zack Ross

    • Set up e-mail address with a KTA address that will forward on to the person in charge
    • Contact Zack if you are one of the people that needs the e-mail forward to you
    • There is an e-mail form set up
    • The structure is moving away from the old system to a much easier system to use
    • We will need to change the current look for the site
    • Zach picked a theme.  If you have feedback let Zack know
    • Our hosting account is with Igloo but domain is under GoDaddy Zack suggests that we put all of our info “under one roof” (this would also be cheaper)
    • Voted to move to GoDaddy
    • Zack has some content questions.  He just moved from the old site but it was a lot of out of date info.  Please send info to Zack
    • Please send a headshot, bio, and also Suggested that everyone has a tag line of Why you are on KTA
    • Registration forms can be done online now
    • The about us page needs to be updated! Maybe a history of our organization and our mission
    • Jeremy has records of past records to start an archive page.
    • Suggested we “celebrate” our history and ask schools to bring pictures from past conferences! (will be 45 year of KTA)
    • Eventagram was suggested to let kids post pictures from the conf.
    • Payment intergration into site
      • Paypal 501c3 is the easiest but there is a small 2.2% of transaction AND $.30 per transaction
      • KTA does have a square account and we used to use google pay
      • We could add a processing fee for that want to pay with CC
      • Can we add a way to add POs to the payment
        • If we can put bookkeepers name with PO
      • More research will be done before we vote on this.
      • Emails will be forwarded to Kim AND Jeremy
        • They will then contact the chairs to let them update on entries
        • Maybe we can set up some kind of data base in the future
      • Membership form will need to have PO option as well

    Roots of the Bluegrass Steve Cleberg

    • We are going to stay similar to the template as we have done in the past
    • Steve has gotten the word out in many places
    • There will be a space figured out for the festival (will most likely be the Briggs theater)
    • Plans to do the festival as done in the past
    • Steve is looking at ways to add some elements to this process to give more feedback
      • Poss. Creating a network (playwrights, theaters, directors, etc)
      • Then possibly the playwright could send their play to these different people in the network to get feedback (making this a year round process)
      • Could then be expanded to “not new plays” but that would allow those playwrights to also get feedback/ and develop the plays.
      • This could become a benefit for our members
      • Jermey shared with us that maybe playwrights can put 2 plays on the website
      • This could develop into a larger forum for ALL our members where they could suggest topics, questions, concerns and get feedback from members
    • How could we get playwrights that don’t “win” to come to the conference
      • Workshops and PDs for playwrights.
    • Keep your thinking caps on for ways to grow this program and others


    SETC Jeremy Kisling

    • Institute for outdoor theater has been disbanded.
      • They have come to SETC to see if they would add them in
      • They are thinking about it
      • It would be good if members of this organizations to join their state level
    • Auditions/ adjudicating will be on tablets
    • Leaderships talking about a unified resource site
    • SETC will be in Lexington in 2017!! (first weekend in March 1-4th)
    • State leader forum and we are now one of the top 3 sized boards in SETC
    • Resolution about Community Theatre Festival

    -Minimal registrations

    -How is it serving CT organizations?

    -No ACCT rules will be enforced for future CT on the STATE level (this will be sent out to the board)

    -suggested that at the state level we make sure that participating CT sign some kind of waver that clearly states the difference between the state AND the SETC rules

    KCAE Jane Modlin

    • Arts Educational summit June 16th and 17th at River parks center in Owensboro, KY
      • Key Notes
      • Workshops
      • From KTA- 2 presenters for “the deconstructing the theater standards” and other workshop presenters Need to know by 5/1 or 5/2
        • Matt Johnson and Kathi Ellis
      • Looking for a fiscal contribution by June 5th
        • Voted to contribute up to $300

    New Officers/State Conference Adanma Barton

    • Adanma and Ryan will be moving OFF the executive board at the November Conference
    • Discussion have been talked about restructuring our executive board to more like SETC

    High School Regionals Ryan Briggs, Brad, Kathi, Phil Neace

    • West- Glemamahr center in Madison in KY looking at dates- poss. 14-15
    • East- Boyd County High school or Perry Center High School Mid- Oct 14th and 15th poss.
    • North- Sent 48 emails to each school about KTA and the HS festival and if they want to host (only 1 reply but is interested in hosting AND participating) Scott HS
    • North West- Ballard HS? Or Elizabeth town Community College? No date yet… NOT first or last weekend of Oct.
    • Central- Poss. Dunbar HS
    • Get info to Phil by May 11th so he can send out letter

    3:00pm   Adjourn


    Next Meeting in August.  A poll will be sent out to pick date

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Kentucky Theatre Association

418 W Short Street | Lexington, KY | 40507

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Goal: $1,000.00
Collected: $50.00

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