Kentucky Theatre Association
Board of Directors Conference Call
Saturday, August 10, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 11:05 p.m., by President Brad Downall. Introductions were made by all joining in on the phone call.
The minutes of the February 2, 2019, meeting had been sent out to Board members previously. Kim moved, and Zack seconded, to accept the minutes as written. The motion was approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Jeremy had sent out a copy of his report. It showed a total balance of $28,811.92. Major expense recently was the July payment of the liability insurance of $735.56. Sarah moved to accept the report. Jane seconded the motion, which passed.
SETC report was also sent out with the Treasurer’s report. The next meeting will be August 23 – 25, in Charlotte. The State Reps are putting together a list of adjudicators to assist in other states’ festivals. There is also plans for adjudicator training to help build the program. State Reps will be visiting other states’ conferences as a networking concept. Greg Mach (WV) will be coming to the KY Conference; Jeremy will visit TN on October 17 – 20. The State Mentor/Mentee program will be offered at the next SETC Conference, with registration covered. Attendee will be responsible for covering their own lodging. Interested members should send their names to Brad, and the Executive Committee will make a decision. SETC 2020 will be in Louisville, on February 26 – March 1.
HS Festival – The invitations for this year’s regionals have been sent out. Dates include: NW – Oct. 5; East & West – Oct. 26; Cent. – Nov. 2; North – Nov. 9.
The Roots of the Bluegrass – Cathy has agreed to chair the competition this year. The deadlines are Sept. 15 for the 10-minute scripts; Oct. 16 for the full-length shows. Cathy would like to present 3 full-length cuttings and 3 10-minute scripts. It is requested to have 4 Board members and 4 non-Board members as readers for the submissions, with the playwrights recommending the cuttings to be presented. Alana and Jane volunteered to be readers.
Community Theatre – The invitations for this year’s State festival will be going out soon. The theatre used will be the Univ. of Louisville’s Thrust Theatre – a ¾-thrust stage, but we will play it to the front section like a proscenium. Backstage space may require some adjustment to the 10’x10’ square. Tech facilities at the theatre should be good. There have been some concerns raised from theatres/directors at the past festivals. The Executive Committee is looking into these, with further discussion to come prior to this year’s festival.
State Conference – This year’s Conference will be held at the Univ. of Louisville, on Nov. 22 – 24. The next Board meeting will be held on-site, on September 14. Work is progressing on hotel rates. [Due to a home football game, additional conflicts have arisen.]
President’s Report – Brad mentioned we will be doing a remembrance for Kathi Ellis. Send ideas to Brad; final details will be made at the September Board meeting. Brad asked Board members to volunteer for jobs/duties for the year – specific committees; help &/or adjudicate at festivals; officer positions; etc. Suggestions should be sent to Brad or committee chairs. We are also looking to formulate a list of adjudicators. Names should be sent to Brad. It was suggested that some form of feedback be given to adjudicators following their service, at all levels. This type of feedback should follow the AACT and SETC adjudication guidelines.
Old & New Business –
It is time to start submitting memberships. The membership year is November 1 through October 31. Payments made now will be good through October 31, 2020.
Jeremy sent a survey to high schools that have participated in our festivals, seeking input on strengths, weaknesses, and other goals. A few of these have been returned. One suggestion is to have some form of reception or mixer for all students attending the State Conference.
Additional discussion was held on adjudication. It is strongly urged to work toward more uniformity in the responses throughout all levels of competition – regional, state, and SETC. Hopefully the proposed training from SETC will be helpful with this idea.
With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:53 a.m. The next meeting will be September 14, 2019, at the Univ. of Louisville. Specific location and time will be forwarded when determined.
Respectfully submitted,
Wayne Kirsch, KTA Secretary