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Conference Call

11/04/2018 3:00 PM | Anonymous

Kentucky Theatre Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Conference Call Meeting

Present (on phone):   Cheryl B., Sarah B., Dawn C., Brad D., Wayne K., Jeremy K., Bart L., Jane M.

Absent:  Lisa C., Kelley E., Kathi E., Alana G., Alicia H., Kim M., Phillip N., Zackary R., Shelby S., Kim W.

—   —   —   —

Brad called the meeting to order.  There was no quorum as only 8 Board members were participating; therefore issues were discussed so that consensus could be reached.

Minutes of the September Board meeting had been sent to members previously.  These will be acted upon during the meeting at the Annual Conference.  The Treasurer’s Report was also tabled, but Jeremy assured us we had money (approx. $35,000).

There have been people registering for the Annual Conference.  A few high schools need to complete registration yet.  Rental costs for needed equipment should run about $1400 (+/- around $500).

Conference Update:

Community Theatre – There are 4 theatres entered this year.  Due to travel distances and schedule conflicts, at least 3 of them need to perform on Saturday.  Brad has scheduled 2 theatres to load-in & rehearse on Friday evening; the others will load-in & rehearse on Saturday morning.  All performances will be on Saturday.  Adjudicators will meet on Saturday at 10:20 a.m.  We have received a waiver for the venue and approval of the adjudicators from AACT.

Roots of the Bluegrass – This event will be held on Friday evening, at 7:30 p.m., in the Glema Mahr Auditorium.  The finalists have been chosen, and casting is being handled.

High School – Twelve schools have been chosen from the 30 participating schools in the Regionals.  No additional invitees were needed.  Brad has lined up 3 volunteers to assist with this festival – Bart Lovins, Carolyn Greer, and Chris Tolliver.

Screening Auditions – Currently there are about 240 students registered, putting auditions on Saturday and Sunday.

Workshops – Currently none have been booked, but some are being planned.  This should need 2 or 3 rooms.

Awards – It was the consensus that most awards will be plaques.

** Renovation at the theatre – Currently there are no acoustical tiles in the lobby and painting may be in progress, but the theatre is usable and should cause no problems.  Brad is looking into getting on-site concessions and/or snacks to add to the local restaurants that are near-by.

Karen Willis Award:  The vote on the two candidates was tied.  It was suggested to give both groups the award.  This was approved by the Board members present.

Nominations:  We will need to elect a new President, Vice-President, and Treasurer, among other at-large members.  Brad has received 3 or 4 suggestions for new Board members.  Sarah, Alana, and Bart will work on setting the slate for the elections, to be held at the Annual Business Meeting, Saturday night of the Conference.

The next meeting of the Board will be at the Conference, in Madisonville, around dinner time on Friday evening.

Kentucky Theatre Association

418 W Short Street | Lexington, KY | 40507

Donate to KTA

Goal: $1,000.00
Collected: $50.00

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